Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Dengan Kecacingan Di SDN 1 Wulonggere Selama Pandemi Kecamatan Polinggona Kab.Kolaka
Abstrak. Infeksi cacing merupakan masalah yang paling sering dihadapi oleh anak usia sekolah dasar. Jika tidak segera ditangani, infeksi kecacingan akan menjadi masalah serius yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan anak, salah satunya malnutrisi. Cacing menyerap nutrisi dari tubuh, yang mengganggu perkembangan mental dan fisik, membuat resistensi cacing. Cacingan juga dapat mengakibatkan kematian pada anak ketika jumlah cacing dalam tubuh terlalu banyak dan cacing berpindah ke organ lain seperti paru-paru wawancara yang dilakukan pada Orang tua siswa Di SDN 1 Wulonggere di temukan 9 orang yang tidak tahu Tentang Kecacingan dan Cara Penularanya maupun cara Pencegahanya dan Dari hasil opservasi pada di Lakukan di SDN 1Wulonggere Banyak siswa yang jajan Sembarangan tidak mencuci Tangan saat makan Bahkan ada yang Memiliki kuku yang panjang dan kotor Saat Bermain di Pada Jam Istirahat mereka bermain Lari-larian Tampa menggunakan alas kaki. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah cross sectional. Jenis data primer yang digunakan peneliti di SDN 1 Wulonggere, yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data langsung dari siswa melalui distribusi langsung. Hasil uji statistik chi square menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan ibu dengan kejadian kecacingan di SDN 1 Wulonggere pada masa pandemi, dengan p-value 0,05. Ibu dengan pengetahuan cukup memiliki proporsi sampel tertinggi kecacingan, sedangkan ibu dengan pengetahuan baik memiliki proporsi terendah dengan kecacingan. Diketahui ibu dengan Pengetahuan kurang sebanyak 13 atau (33.3%), ibu dengan pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 16 atau (41.0%) dan ibu dengan pegetahuan baik sebanyak 10 atau (256%) Diharapakan ibu dan siswa Membiasakan Perilaku hidup bersih Dan sehat, menggunakan alas kaki,dan,membiasakan,cuci tangan
Abstract. Worm infections are the most common problem faced by elementary school age children. If not treated immediately, worm infections will become a serious problem that can endanger the child's health, one of which is malnutrition. Worms absorb nutrients from the body, which disrupts mental and physical development, creating worm resistance. Worms can also cause death in children when the number of worms in the body is too much and the worms move to other organs such as the lungs. Interviews conducted with parents of students at SDN 1 Wulonggere found 9 people who did not know about worms and how they are transmitted or how to prevent them. and from the results of observations carried out at SDN 1 Wulonggere, many students who snack carelessly don't wash their hands when eating. Some even have long and dirty nails. When playing at break times, they run around without wearing footwear. This research methodology is cross sectional. The type of primary data used by researchers at SDN 1 Wulonggere is by collecting data directly from students through direct distribution. The results of the chi square statistical test showed that there was a significant relationship between maternal knowledge and the incidence of worms at SDN 1 Wulonggere during the pandemic, with a p-value of 0.05. Mothers with sufficient knowledge had the highest proportion of worms in the sample, while mothers with good knowledge had the lowest proportion of worms. It is known that mothers with poor knowledge are 13 or (33.3%), mothers with sufficient knowledge are 16 or (41.0%) and mothers with good knowledge are 10 or (256%) It is hoped that mothers and students will get used to clean and healthy living behavior, using footwear. ,and,make a habit of washing your hands.
Abstract. Worm infections are the most common problem faced by elementary school age children. If not treated immediately, worm infections will become a serious problem that can endanger the child's health, one of which is malnutrition. Worms absorb nutrients from the body, which disrupts mental and physical development, creating worm resistance. Worms can also cause death in children when the number of worms in the body is too much and the worms move to other organs such as the lungs. Interviews conducted with parents of students at SDN 1 Wulonggere found 9 people who did not know about worms and how they are transmitted or how to prevent them. and from the results of observations carried out at SDN 1 Wulonggere, many students who snack carelessly don't wash their hands when eating. Some even have long and dirty nails. When playing at break times, they run around without wearing footwear. This research methodology is cross sectional. The type of primary data used by researchers at SDN 1 Wulonggere is by collecting data directly from students through direct distribution. The results of the chi square statistical test showed that there was a significant relationship between maternal knowledge and the incidence of worms at SDN 1 Wulonggere during the pandemic, with a p-value of 0.05. Mothers with sufficient knowledge had the highest proportion of worms in the sample, while mothers with good knowledge had the lowest proportion of worms. It is known that mothers with poor knowledge are 13 or (33.3%), mothers with sufficient knowledge are 16 or (41.0%) and mothers with good knowledge are 10 or (256%) It is hoped that mothers and students will get used to clean and healthy living behavior, using footwear. ,and,make a habit of washing your hands.